I’m Back!!!

I know it has been awhile. I admit I wasn’t planning on taking a break from my blog but it kind of just happened. The pandemic took a lot out of me mentally and I got into a very bad reading slump. I stopped reading and tried to take care of myself and my family.

During that time I found K-pop and a group of friends I didn’t know I needed. I started coming out of the dark hole I had fallen in and started trying to get back into life. So much had changed and I found myself trying to figure out what I wanted to do.

It was the start of this summer that brought me back to books. Reading started to make me feel joy again. I was going to the library and I was looking through my kindle to find eBooks left behind. I started looking at my to-read shelves and trying to figure out what I should pull to read next.

Ultimately I decided that I wanted to come back to reviewing. It has always been a strength of mine. I feel like reading and writing reviews makes me feel like I am sharing something I love with people who are curious or who are looking for their next great read. I also missed the book community. I missed working with publishers and authors. I missed getting arcs and being able to share an inside look on the newest books.

There will be some changes. I think I may share my love of K-pop as well as my love for books. So don’t be too surprised if you see a K-pop album pop up on the blog with a description and why I love it. I think I want to really embrace the new me, the me that is healing, and the me that wants to share.

I have missed everyone and I love you.


2 Replies to “I’m Back!!!”

  1. K-pop!! YAAAYYY!

    Okay, disclaimer. I fall more toward the Japanese idols side of things (Idolish7 FOREVER), but if you ever need great recs for K-DRAMAS, I’m your girl. Down the rabbit hole and loving every second.

    Welcome back. I missed you. 🙂

    1. OMG THANK YOU!! I literally teared up when I read this, because I have missed you too. I was thinking of you just yesterday as I was looking at my bookshelves and saw your books. You have always been someone I have loved to get to know. You helped me believe in myself and blogging when I was not sure if I would be any good. You’re amazing! I hope you know that, and OF COURSE I would love kdrama recs. Please! I want to go deep in the rabbit hole.

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